Cynthia D. Woodley, Ed.D.
Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Professional Testing, Inc.
Dr. Cynthia D. Woodley, Vice President of Professional Testing and lead psychometrician has served as the program manager for various personnel certification programs for over 20 years. Prior to becoming a full time employee of Professional Testing, Dr. Woodley was a visiting professor at the University of Central Florida where she taught graduate courses in Measurement and Evaluation, Educational Research and Statistics, and Vocational Teacher Education. While on the faculty of UCF, Dr. Woodley supervised the development of over 10 Florida Teacher Certification Examinations and managed the administration of over 20 Florida Vocational Teacher Certification Examination Programs.
Dr. Woodley has been actively involved with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in the development of ISO/IEC 17024. Dr. Woodley was among the very first group trained to serve as ANSI assessors (auditors) for ISO 17024 and has served as an assessor for ANSI and a technical expert for the Standards Council of Canada (SCC). Dr. Woodley has experience in preparing examination programs and clients for third party accreditation including review by the Buros Institute at the University of Nebraska and ANSI. Dr. Woodley’s expertise and experience with ANSI/ISO includes:
- Serving as an Assessor (Auditor) for the ANSI Personnel Certification Program based on the ISO/IEC 17024 Standard,
- Serving as a technical expert for the Standards Council of Canada for ISO/IEC 17024 accreditation audits,
- Serving on the ISO Conformity Assessment Committee (CASCO) Working Group (WG) 21 to develop competency based standards for auditors,
- Serving as the convenor (chair) of ISO CASCO WG 30, the international working group that authored ISO/IEC 17024:2012 and ISO/IEC 17027: Conformity Assessment – Vocabulary related to competencies of persons used for certification of persons
- Serving as the convenor (chair) of ISO CASCO WG 42, the international working group that is revising ISO/IEC 17011 the standard for the operation of Accrediting Bodies
- Serving as the convenor (chair) of the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) WG for ISO/IEC 17024
- Serving as the convenor (chair) of the IAF Task Force for Assessor Competency,
- Serving on ANSI’s International Conformity Assessment Committee (ICAC),
- Serving on the Chairman’s Policy Committee at the International Organization for Standards (ISO),
- Serving on ANSI’s Board of Directors,
- Serving on the ANSI WorkCred Board of Directors,
- Serving on the ISO Technical Interface Group (TIG), and
- Serving as an Official Representative and Communicator for ISO.
Dr. Woodley is active in licensure and certification serving on numerous professional committees and organizations, and is frequently a speaker at national and international conferences. Dr. Woodley has presented on the topic of ISO/IEC 17024 at various conferences including the International Personnel Certification Congress in Athens, Greece; the Association of Test Publishers annual conference, the Institute for Certification Excellence, and at the Council on Licensure, Enforcement and Regulation annual conference (CLEAR).
Dr. Woodley is also a frequent speaker and presenter internationally in the area of certification of persons. Her presentations and workshops have included:
- 3-day workshop in Seoul, South Korea on ISO/IEC 17024 for accreditation assessors.
- 3-day workshop in Pretori, South Africa on ISO/IEC 17024 for accreditation assessors.
- 3-day workshop in Bogota, Columbia on ISO/IEC 17024 for accreditation assessors.
- 4-day workshop in Astana, Kazakhstan on ISO/IEC 17024 for accreditation assessors.
- 3-day workshop in Singapore on ISO/IEC 17024 for accreditation assessors.
- 2-day presentation in Lugano, Switzerland for Global Alliance for Public Relations Professionals
- 5-day workshop in Athens, Greece on ISO/IEC 17024 for accreditation assessors.
- Presentation at the Council on Licensure Enforcement and Regulation on ISO/IEC 17024:2012
- Presentation at the Association of Test Publishers on ISO/IEC 17024
- Presentation at the European Association of Test Publishers on ISO/IEC 17024
- Presentation at the CASCO Open Day in Switzerland on ISO/IEC 1024
- Presentation at 1st International Personnel Certification Congress in Athens and the 2nd International Personnel Certification Congress in Rio de Janeiro on Measuring Competence of Persons
- Lecturer at the University of Geneva in Switzerland on Certification of Persons (December 2012, December 2013, December 2014, December 2015, December 2016).
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Cynthia’s Published Work
Demystifying Occupational and Professional Regulation, Kara Schmitt and Cynthia D. Woodley, Ed.D.
Designations: What They Are and What They Mean, Cynthia D. Woodley, Ed.D.
Integrating Academic and Vocational Education: Best Practices in Florida, Cynthia D. Woodley, Ed.D.
Verifying the Competence of Persons, (The Journal of SES – the Society for Standards Professionals) Cynthia D. Woodley, Ed.D.
Improving Food Safety through Inspector Certification, Cynthia D. Woodley, Ed.D., Julia E. Bradsher, and Gerald Wojtala