Professional Testing, Inc

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Professional Testing, Inc.
Providing High Quality Examination Programs

Client Services

Program Marketing

Marketing professional credentials is a bit like handling a water balloon. All the stakeholders are interconnected, and if you put pressure on any one of them, there is an impact on the others. The trick is to make sure to put just enough pressure on the right spots to create the desired outcomes - without getting soaked.

  • Professional Testing has extensive experience marketing certification.
    Credential marketing is a unique animal that requires a strong skillset to deliver bottom-line results. We understand the credentialing psyche: most professionals seek credentialing because it gives them a career edge, helps market their business or is required by law. Through our work with many diverse clients, we have integrated all of these points in a push-pull marketing strategy to deliver results. We understand how to help professionals market their credentials and how this in turn helps the credentialing organization.
  • Professional Testing knows how to leverage stakeholders.
    Every credential has a different cast of related organizations and vested players. We know how to solicit, incorporate, equip, train, incentivize and leverage these stakeholders so that they can help with the marketing and increase the power and strength of our client's efforts. Beyond leveraging stakeholders, we know how to leverage trends within your field and industries that touch your field so that we can help you tie your messages to broader issues. All of this saves time and money and provides media opportunities that clients may not get on their own.
  • We understand the unique challenges working with boards, committees and government agencies.
    In a multi-point client relationship, we know how to use marketing to build internal consensus and influence external audiences to reach a common goal. We know how to integrate the work of the governing bodies and subject-matter-experts into messaging about certification, reinforcing the integrity built into all aspects of certification.
  • Our team has experience in developing and executing a variety of different marketing programs.
    Our team uses every tool in our communication toolbox to deliver success. We make sure that all communication is integrated - whether we're talking about website or print materials, social media or public relations - we know that core messages need to be consistent. We also understand different audiences. With a bilingual team, we bring a great deal of experience working with Hispanic consumers and Spanish-language media. This is a unique twist for many associations and can help target different segments of the changing U.S. workforce and consumer base.
  • We understand the media, both traditional and social.
    From social media and blogs to daily newspapers and trade journals, our team works with trade and general media around the globe every day. With a specialized social media team, we know how to leverage these tools for maximum impact. We also understand how to use your budget effectively by keeping up with the latest media trends so that when you do spend money, the ROI is worth the price.

Bottomline - we get it - We have an unrivaled understanding of the credentialing process and know when and how to market your program to your stakeholders and beyond.